Our divestment campaign in the media

  • Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT and Vanderbilt students take legal action to try and force fossil fuel divestment (February 16, 2022)

    Student climate activists from Yale, Stanford, Princeton, MIT and Vanderbilt file legal complaints to compel divestment.

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  • Climate Defense Project and Fossil Free Stanford file legal complaint against Stanford (February 16, 2022)

    The Climate Defense Project (CDP) is filing a legal complaint against Stanford calling for the University’s divestment from fossil fuels. The complaint, which is being sent directly to the attorney general of California, is being filed in conjunction with Fossil Free Stanford (FFS) and mirror organizations at Yale, MIT, Princeton and Vanderbilt. 

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  • Activists, Steyer blast Stanford for rejecting divestment (April 28, 2016)

    Stanford University has announced it will retain its holdings in fossil fuel companies, dismaying student activists and one of its most prolific donors.

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